1. Financial Coaching

Our purpose is to help you achieve the best life possible with the money you have. Your relationship with money is built up over a lifetime of experiences, both good and bad, accompanied by emotions hardwired into the way you think about finances. Understanding your attitudes and habits around money and spending forms a vital role in creating a realistic, individualised financial plan that will be successful for you.

Even the savviest investor can benefit from some financial coaching and support at times of market volatility, or when the media is screaming about the latest crisis. We’ll remind you that volatility can be good for a long-term investor and that remaining disciplined in downturns is what brings real rewards.

2. Tax Planning

You’ve heard the famous Benjamin Franklin quote: ‘in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.’ With such a close link between financial and tax planning, it’s essential that we have a detailed understanding of both.

Tax can be complex when it comes to your personal finances, and if you’re a business owner it can be even more so. It’s probably the last thing you want to think about day-to-day. We will help you build and deliver a financial strategy that will help pass assets to your beneficiaries while giving you maximum control of your assets through your lifetime.

3. Wealth Management

We strive to provide you with a better return on life, not just a better return on your investments. Our evidence-based investing approach involves a structured and disciplined portfolio construction. It creates wealth by capturing the returns of the whole market, driving down costs, and removing the emotional decision-making of a beat-the-market mindset.

Of course, investing means taking risks, and you’ll want to be clear about your investment options. It’s our job to provide you with a comprehensive understanding and measured informed options. Together we will arrive at a level of risk you are comfortable with, which works with your overall plan and goals in mind.

4. Future-Proofing

These are things we hear often from our clients. When looking at your life as a whole it’s inevitable that the not-so-nice topics arise, and must be considered with a level head and sure hand. It’s important to be prepared, regardless of what life may present you with.

We will ensure that you, your loved ones and your business are protected should the worst happen. It’s important to know what your options are. We will work with you to anticipate your life transitions and to be financially prepared for them by regularly assessing what is coming and creating the action plan to address and manage these transitions ahead of time.

5. Income Planning

If death is one of the two certainties of life, the day of its arrival is one of the last true mysteries. We’re not fortune-tellers – we can’t look into a financial crystal ball and say exactly how long your income needs to last – but we are planners. And planning for every eventuality is what we’re made for.

Managing withdrawals is a delicate balancing act. We will help you get your financial house in order and help keep it that way, providing for your lifetime income and expenditure needs. A sustainable withdrawal strategy is your plan for not running out of money during your lifetime and is totally unique to you.

6. Financial Modelling

To help you to achieve your long-term goals we need to have a clear understanding of what’s really important to you. That’s why we take the time to understand you, your background, philosophy, needs and objectives so that we can help you put your money to good use.

Then, we will create a cash flow model to build a picture of the path to your long-term financial aims. This is a crucial step – it’s the one that makes the plan come to life.

We’ll help you prioritise your goals, show you the steps you can take, and regularly review your progress towards achieving them.

Cordiner Wealth is a trading style of TPFA Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA reference number 611188. Registered in England and Wales as a Limited Company No. 8453762. Registered address: 5A Harewood Yard, Harewood Estate, Leeds LS17 9LF

If our clients are not satisfied with the outcome of their compliance, they will have the right to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge, at the Financial Ombudsman Service Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR, or by going to their website www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk.

The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you invested. In the investment world, the past is not a reliable guide to the future.

The guidance and/or advice contained in this website is subject to UK regulatory regime and is therefore restricted to consumers based in the UK.

Decisions should not be taken based solely on the content of the website and individual advice should be sought first. Regulations, levels and bases of taxation are subject to change, content of the website may not reflect the latest changes.

Cordiner Wealth is not responsible for the content of external links.

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