10 key things to consider as you approach retirement

If you are within five to ten years of your planned retirement date, it’s essential that you start making plans if you haven’t already. If you do already have retirement plans in place, it’s important to review them to make sure they are still on track.

Whether you’ve been employed or you’ve built your own business, you have worked hard to achieve your success. Targeted, timely planning increases the chances of you being able to enjoy the rewarding retirement you deserve.

We like to see retirement as the start of an exciting new era; you have completed your working life and can now enjoy doing the things you want to do. Having this perception means that you’ll give your retirement planning the attention it deserves.

It’s likely that up to now a lot of your financial arrangements have been transactional rather than part of a wider holistic plan. You’ve needed life insurance linked to your mortgage, and maybe you’ve had different pension arrangements in place through your working life.

Now is the time to start pulling the different threads together to make a coherent plan that will take you successfully into, and through, your retirement.

In this guide you will find 10 things you should do now to give you the best chance of achieving the retirement you deserve. You can download the full version or read the key points below.

10 key things to consider as you approach retirement


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The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you invested. In the investment world, the past is not a reliable guide to the future.

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